Tuesday, May 27, 2008




Hi I'm Eileen the author of this blog and the mom to five fantastic kids and one amazing husband!!! My kids are the stars of my team and I am the coach and Rob is the assistant :) :) ha ha. I have been watching other family and friends blogs and have loved the idea but I am very lo-tech kind of girl so it has taken me awhile. I want to keep everyone up to date with our every days and catch people up on our past happenings. It will take awhile but I hope that it is helpful for anyone who reads to get to know us better and to learn from our experiences.
A little about my husband & kids:
Robert (??) is finally healing after a much needed tonselictomy. He is back to work for our company and for me building a cubby system in our garage (will include pic later).
Bobby (16yrs) is about to finish up his sophmore year and almost has his drivers liscense! He will be starting football prep as soon as school is out.
Andee (10yrs) will be a fifth grader next year and is taking a break from her beloved soccer before the season starts again in July.
Trae (7yrs) will be a second grader next year. He just earned his yellow dragon belt in Martial Arts last week he had to kick through a board- he was pumped!
Hana (3yrs) will start preschool next year. Her English is really getting good and is having a blast playing dress up with her friend next door.
Matusala (19months) is a craker eating kid like you have never seen! He is talking soooo much and has done well switching to english. He loves to say to my friend-"Crystal Craker NOW"!!!
Catch you all later!